
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - July 2019

LETS OPEN THE DOORS OF VICTORIES; A person who reads excessively ‘یا فتاح’’ the doors of victories will open to him..

Readers,I always bring the best articles for you. So don’t become miser and write as much as you can. (Hakeem Tariq Mehmood Chughtai)

 This tip was well proven tip of my mother. If she saw someone feeling headache she offered tea of annab. If someone is sleepless and sleeping pills don’t effect and feel stretch in muscles such a person must take tea of annab.


I still remember in my childhood a relative came to our home and she had bandages on her head. When we asked she told that her husband is the patient of high blood pressure and in such a condition he used to abuse and beat his wife and astoningishly latter on the repented on his behavior and ask for pardon to others. Has got checkup by many psychiatrics. If medicine is given to him then he remained drowsy for more than one day and stop going on duty Pays no attention on kids who are growing She told us one of her daughter lives in a hostel and other studies in university we have to meet these expenses but husband pays no attention on work as he is the patient of depression. The whole business is handled by employees and they always show us deficit while our business was in profit never faced loss but now as husband becomes the patient of anxiety we are suffering from economic loss as well. She told us that because of these worries I cannot sleep whole night and feels stretch in body and I always remain in fear that I may lost my sons or I may lost the whole business and due to the none attentive behavior of husband we are not paying attention on the proper grooming of our kids. Now I am tired.


It’s the habit of my mother that she listens to others very calmly, then she said to my sister tell her the method of tea of annab and said to her stop eating fry item and coffee. Take tea of annab and eat simple food and take tea of annab as many time as you can..My mother told her many benefits of the tea but she did not believe that where medicine stops working there tea can work. Then my mother told about a family whom she knows they were more disturb then her and now they are settled my mother told her that she also used this tea then she took some confidence.Then my mother told her the whole method how to make tea of annab.


 She told that after using tea of annab my husband recovered and I also feel myself healthy. Now there is no violence at our home. Once it was Friday that man came to our home he had a basket of a fruit in his hand as gift for us its tree was in their home. They told us that everyone at home now behaves normally and her husband told us that his blood pressure remains normal now. Now I have full control on my anger and living a healthy and peaceful life. That woman told us that she remained sleepless and felt stretch in muscles now everything is normal.

ITS NOT A MEDICINE BUT COMPLETE PACKAGE OF HEALTH:  She said that this tea had no value for her and never considered it medicine as she was used to take expensive allopathic dosages of medicines in front of them this tea was of no value but when I used it then its secretes opened to me and my family .So far we have introduced it to many persons in family and they are also benefited from it. Alhamdolillah I m now leading a happy and peaceful life. All this discussion of elders was carried on as I was young among them

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